MYMY would like to thank all those who contributed so generously to its street collection on Saturday 10th August. The collection raised £686.83 and this will be used to help with the costs of providing professional, accredited counselling to those in need as quickly as possible. We want to thank everyone who volunteered their time on the day to help MYMY with their street collection.

The street collection also afforded MYMY staff and members of the committee the opportunity to meet and talk to people and to talk about the value of services provided by MYMY. If you, a friend or a family member is experiencing poor mental health, please do contact MYMY in confidence on 02843727549 or through the contact form on our website. MYMY commits to assessing every referral within a week as a first step to supporting the person.

The number of people within our community who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health remains very high (MYMY has experienced a 27% increase in referrals since the beginning of 2024). Through the generosity of the community there is help for those who need it.

To make a further donation or considering holding a fundraising event, please talk to a member of the MYMY team via phone: 02843727549 or email:

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