Event News

MYMY Street Collection ~ Saturday 10th August

Look for volunteering opportunities? Why not volunteer for MYMY in helping them with their street [...]

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Event News

Morgan Family Cheque Presentation

A heartfelt thank you to the family of the late Brian Morgan, who organised a [...]

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Event News

Castlewellan Agricultural Show

On Saturday 13th July, MYMY hosted a stand at Castlewellan Agricultural Show to promote the [...]

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Event News

Tonn Ruray Cheque Presentation

Many thanks to the team from the Tonn Ruray cafe, main street Dundrum for their [...]

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Event News

St Johns GAC Cheque Presentation

A huge thanks to St Johns GAC who organised a Darkness into Light Walk in [...]

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Event News

MYMY Volunteer’s Day Out

This week MYMY brought together members of its volunteer team at the Turnip House, Ballyward [...]

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Event News

McMullan Family Cheque Presentation

A huge thank you to Mary McMullan for choosing MYMY as one of the three [...]

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Event News

Dawn Walk Cheque Presentation

Eamon McCrickard and friends organised a Dawn Walk from Donard Park to the quarry on [...]

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Event News

Slieve Donard Fundraiser

A hearty well done to Emma Smyth from Downpatrick who climbed Slieve Donard on the [...]

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Event News

Donations from 50th Wedding Anniversary

A heartfelt thank you to Joseph and Theresa Morgan who raised an incredible £770 for [...]

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Event News

Dawn Walk

On a dry and mild Saturday 4th May, over 90 people came together in Donard [...]

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Event News

Reflexology Thank You

MYMY would like to thank all our reflexology clients who generously donated and attended their [...]

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It’s Volunteer Week!

Volunteers’ Week runs every year from 1-7 June and is a chance to recognise the fantastic contribution volunteers make in their communities as well as saying a special ‘thank you’. MYMY would like to take this opportunity to thank our very own volunteers, who freely give up their time with one goal – to help others. “Our volunteers play a huge part in everything we do, from managing the charity, to working and befriending in the charity shop, to helping with fundraising and events. Their weekly volunteer hours are worth over £400 per week to the charity. We cannot thank them enough for being so generous with their time. Our volunteers also find it an incredibly valuable experience which has improved their own well-being”. Several of our volunteers have spoken about the benefits of offering their services; including how MYMY “gives them a reason to get out of the house”, that people like meeting new friends, and that they feel they are “doing something useful”.

During volunteers week, we hope to inspire other would-be volunteers to join our team and meet new people, build their confidence, learn new skills and gain work experience for a course or your CV.