Photo credit: Gary Forsythe

Get involved

In order for us to provide services to as many people as we can, we rely on the generosity of people in our community and the wider general public.

You can help support our work by volunteering, organising a fundraising event, participating in one of MYMY’s own fundraising activities, or by simply making a direct donation.

How you can help

  • Volunteer with us and have the satisfaction of really making a difference. Our volunteers come from all walks of life and carry out lots of interesting and varied roles.
  • Support a MYMY fundraising event in your local area.
  • Fundraise your own way! A cake sale, a 5k run, a coffee morning… there are lots of fun ways to raise money. Or why not join #teammymy at the Belfast City Marathon.
  • Donate – help improve lives by making a donation through our website today.



Volunteers are a very important part of our organisation and we place great value on the skills, passion, and commitment of our volunteers and the work they do. We recognise how much we gain from the time given freely by the range of dedicated volunteers we work with.

There are lots of ways you can volunteer with MYMY, depending on how much time you have to give and your skills and interests!

get started
Photo credit: Gary Forsythe
Photo credit: Gary Forsythe
Photo Credit: Nikki Elliott
Photo Credit: Nikki Elliott


Help MYMY help others

You can help raise funds for our vital work providing counselling, mental health advice and wellbeing programmes in our community.

Support a MYMY fundraiser, or or why not organise your own event! We have lots of ideas to inspire you and help you get started.

learn more
Photo Credit: Nikki Elliott
Photo Credit: Nikki Elliott


Help MYMY help others

You can help raise funds for our vital work providing counselling, mental health advice and wellbeing programmes in our community.

Support a MYMY fundraiser, or or why not organise your own event! We have lots of ideas to inspire you and help you get started.

learn more

Help improve lives today!

Your donation will help us to provide vital services to vulnerable people.