Author Archives: MyMy Community

MYMY Street Collection- Saturday 7th September

MYMY would like to thank all those who contributed so generously to its street collection [...]

Dromara G4MO Cheque Presentation

On Tuesday night, Deborah Boden visited Dromara GAC to meet members of their Gaelic for [...]

New Premises FAQs

Who is MYMY?- MYMY is a mental health charity which was formed 15 years ago. [...]

The support of MYMY really helped

Having the support of MYMY really helped my mental health to improve and supported me [...]

They have really put everything into perspective

Men don't speak enough about things like this and it has to change. People look [...]

It has been lifesaving

MYMY has pulled me out of a dark hole, reprogrammed my thinking, helped me think [...]

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