Who is MYMY?- MYMY is a mental health charity which was formed 15 years ago. Our purpose is to improve mental health and well-being in our community. We are based in Newcastle, Co.Down.
How many people do you help each year?- In 2023 we had 332 counselling referrals and offered 1700 counselling sessions. In 2024 we have 210 counselling referrals and offered 1200 counselling sessions.
Where is MYMY moving to?- We are moving from our current premises in Newcastle and Castlewellan. We are moving to the former AIB premises at 28-32 Main Street, Newcastle.
Why are you moving?- To meet the increasing demand for counselling (27% increase in 2024). To allow us to have our charity shop and well-being programmes under one roof.
When are you hoping to move in?- We hope to be open and running in late 2024 or early 2025.
How much is this going to cost?- We need to raise an additional £60,000 to fit-out our new premises and expand our services.
What do you need me to do?- To connect with your family and friends to run an event or activity for MYMY. For businesses to make MYMY their charity of choice; organising an event or by making a cash or voucher donation.
What support will MYMY give me if I run an event?- The MYMY team is available to help provide ideas, guidance, promotion and support for you and your event: hello@mymy.org.uk.
How can I donate money to MYMY?- JustGiving: https://www.justgiving.com/page/mymywellbeingcentre / Via our website: www.mymy.org.uk or BACs: Ulster Bank , S/C – 981130 A/N – 10669780 – Please mark it “Connecting to Help”.